
Corporate Governance Event

On 17rh  Octobet  MRK Consulting participated to the BHCC event on Corporate Governance Developments in the UK, EU and Greece and the Dynamic Role of Boards, held by the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce at the premises of the Athens Exchange Group , with the support of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) and under the Auspices of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.

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Fear is the worst disease you can catch, the most destructive. It moves faster than light. It strikes the mind and the heart at the same time. It cuts off your limbs without a sword, freezes people, traps them in a nightmare, stops their hearts. Yet it also makes people feel more intensely, and awakens

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Recently workplace bullying has become a household term in Greece, thanks to the media in general and television in particular, rolling over us like a tsunami. It gives a name to what most workers have experienced and didn’t know what to call it. Workplace bullying is not an abstract concept. It has many facets and


Due Diligence

The problem with rules, even in mathematics, is that once they are created, exceptions are created at the same time. This is perhaps the most difficult task you have to manage. Care demands dedication. It is a sort of marathon, with only a beginning. The process is without end because when you get tired and

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Icarus and Daedalus

You read for years, with sacrifices, angst and anger to get through college and into a good job. You get into a big company, make your parents proud, make money, get a company car, cell phone and credit cards. You eat at the best restaurants, doors are opened to you, your prospects are bright, and

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If you do not sow the seed, you will not reap the harvest. Cultivating a field is difficult; it takes effort and patience, and unfailing perseverance. There is no immediate reward. You didn’t sow today and tomorrow morning you expect the fruits to have grown and be on your table, on your plate? You have

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